Introducing the Tachyon Chamber, a powerful Pleiadian technology brought to humanity by Cobra. This technology offers countless benefits and we invite you to watch the video for more information.
Testimonials from those who have experienced the Chamber sessions can be found in the comment section of the video on our Telugu Channel “Crack the Belief”. To make it more convenient for you, we have also included these testimonials here.
At Jagruthi Tachyon Chamber, we want you to experience the benefits for yourself. This is the first Tachyon Chamber of its kind in India. As part of the Jagruthi Healing Modalities offered at the School of Ascension, we are reintroducing the Jagruthi Tachyon Chamber.
You can find the location of this chamber and other worldwide Tachyon Chambers on the following link. This will allow you to schedule sessions and avail the benefits of Tachyon Healing.
Manasa Gunti – 5 months ago
Major change after the chamber experience is that suddenly I lost my spects in beach on same day of healing
And trust me not even 1% I got tensed that moment even though I was not able to see anything
My brother was shocked to see me with such cool mindset. Because I used have diarrhea out of tension in such typical situations
It’s very clear that masters have cleared Fear and tensions within me
Thank you🙏🙏
Gupta Gullapudi – 1 year ago
It’s a unique experience and first time I even felt a very unique fragrance which I never felt in my life so far and felt energy flow in to my body in all my 4 sessions.
Raghu Pathuri – 1 year ago
Tachyon chamber is really amazing, the tachyon energies were really wonderful. While i was taking healing under tachyon chamber a process has been started near the navel part of my body, also i had observed energy difference in my body after experiencing tachyon chamber. Thankyou ☺
Beesetti Roopavathi – 1 year ago
I took 2 healing sessions in tachyon chamber last year. In first session I feet my body total become into unconsciousness state and my head was completely dim with energies. In second session my head was divided into two parts and yellow light passed through it 🙏 thankyou
Krishna Prasanna – 1 year ago
Bought me a change which refreshed me after a long time. As a new formation of life
To have still more understanding, you can go through the following article:
Details about Chamber Session Appointment in India:
WhatsApp Message: 74113 33335