What is so special about it?

Galactic Cintamani is a sacred stone, directly infused with energies from the Galactic Central sun. They originate from a solar system near the Galactic center. It is an extremely rare stone, even more than the regular cintamani stone, and the supply is extremely limited. The purpose of those Galactic Cintamanis will be to heal subquantum anomaly and bring in the energy of the goddess Iona.
For more details: https://cintamanigalactic.blogspot.com/2023/01/galactic-cintamani.html
SALE of Galactic Cintamani:
Contact by Whats App ONLY: 7411333335; 9246378910
How to use Personal stone?
The surface of the Galactic Cintamani might be a bit rough, so you may want to wrap it in cloth or cotton, or create a locket using copper, silver, or gold. You can wear it on a chain, positioning the stone over your heart chakra, allowing it to radiate energy in the form of a torus around you, extending up to 5 km. Alternatively, you can hold the locket in your hand while in meditation; if you prefer not to wear it on a chain. You can use it in the following ways, even if it is not made into a locket.

- During meditation, hold it in your hand, and after meditating, keep it safely stored.
- When going out, you can keep it in your wallet or handbag and carry it with you.
- While sleeping, you can place it under your pillow to enhance your astral journey for your evolution.
Continue to communicate with your personal stone and allow your consciousness to merge with its consciousness.
Goddess vortex meditation
Why is it so powerful meditation?
Rob – Very good. Why do we pronounce eeee and eeeeahhhh? How did you get the information?
COBRA – It is actually pronounce eeeeh aaaah. (eeeh aaah, Why do we do that?) It is actually creating an energy vortex which dissolves the very structure of duality and dissolves the structure of quantum anomaly on the planet.
Importance of Goddess Vortex Meditation: https://youtube.com/shorts/mJpcpr9Mimk?si=Y1CZvCga6H9WxytY

Abundance snippet
Let’s try to learn about Abundance and it’s manifestation

Cobra’s quote regarding abundance and poverty:
“Many Ligthworkers have a belief system that spirituality means living in poverty. This belief system is mind programming from the Cabal. In truth, physical abundance is a natural expression of the beauty of the incarnated Soul and every Lightworker deserves it. The Cabal wants to keep Lightworkers away from money to hinder the progress of the Light forces.”
Read full article: http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2012/08/operationdreamland-operationdreamland.html
Older snippets are available here: http://regret2revamp.com/2024/06/03/dna-snippet/