December Snippets

What is an “event”? 🌿

A series of synchronized new social transformation plans will unfold around the world, which we call “THE EVENT.” πŸ§‘β€πŸ«

We are about to witness the mass arrests of many of the world-class political and financial leaders you know around the world. These arrests will include government officials, business tycoons, and many members of the financial and banking community, whom we call the “cabal.” πŸ€

When the arrests occur, the Cabal’s control over the media will be lifted, and the public will begin to learn many world-shaking truths. These men committed serious crimes, all for one purpose: to enslave humanity. πŸ™

πŸ”·(1) They are instigating war behind their backs

πŸ”·(2) Carry out land or cultural invasion

πŸ”·(3) Implant an empire/economic dominance

πŸ”·(4) Tampering with history prevents us from knowing the truth

πŸ”·(5) Control the media to brainwash people and spread false information

πŸ”·(6) Currency manipulation bankrupts many of our countries

πŸ”·(7) Use various means to pollute the earth’s environment especially

πŸ”·(8) Create many diseases and genetically modified foods in an attempt to control the population

Great forgetting to Great remembrance

In preparation for the opening of the portal, the light forces will begin to awaken light workers in the surface world and help them remember their interstellar origins. Since the great forgetting year of 1996, surface light force has been dormant for more than 20 years. Now they can finally recall their hometown. 🌷

The Archons and Chimera set up a negative barrier in the Heliosphere (the outskirts of the solar system) during their massive invasion in 1996. All beings living within the barrier, including all surface humans, Cabal factions, underground beings (with very few exceptions), Pleiadians, Sirians, Andromedans, Arcturians, Draconians, Reptilians, The Zeta Grays and all other sentient beings are implanted with plasma implants and bound by the Chimera’s artificial intelligence network (the Veil). 🌿

Most beings who could communicate with the Ascended Masters were forced to sever their ties to the later. Many spiritual memories have been erased by electronic memory erasure (EDOM) technology. Many of the beings who would have released the information to the surface populace were mentally programmed, and many of them were implanted with false information and fabricated memories. All channels are programmed with implants and their communication links are severely disrupted. ☘️

This history of collective amnesia is called the great forgetting of 1996. The collective amnesia at that time was so severe that only a small group of people were left who could remember their connection to their souls and their interactions with ascended beings prior to 1996. 🍁

Great forgetting of 1996

Brotherhood of the Star

The Brotherhood of the star has 12 elders who are over 26,000 years old. These 12 elders have lived in the secret realm under the Himalayas in the same physical body for 26,000 years. 🌿

Thousands of years ago, the Brotherhood taught the blue dragon the secret of immortality through the goddess of immortality, the Queen Mother of the West. Due to the teachings of the Queen Mother of the West, some senior members of the Blue Dragon were able to live in the same body for hundreds of years. ☘️

The Brotherhood is a group of people with the highest level of spiritual awakening on the planet. The core members are all masters and Arhats who have passed the test of ascension on earth. They almost never openly move on the surface, and basically only do so in remote places. 🌟

Members of the Brotherhood, under the teachings of Master Sri Nakumara, guide the evolution of earth civilization. They inspire mankind at the mental and emotional levels. They convey correct messages to scientists and artists, and convey positive messages to mankind. 🌼

They helped create Greek civilization, triggered the Western Renaissance, and inspired the Western Industrial Revolution and scientific development. They will once again fuel the new Renaissance of our time, forming new societies on the face of the earth. 🍎

What do you have to inculcate to get ready for THE EVENT?

The role of the Resistance Movement is to provide tactical support during THE EVENT; ensuring that public facilities, networks and food supply chains around the world continue to function normally. They provide various information to the mass media. ☘️

Prior to the event, the Resistance movement was unable to contact surface humans because the Cabal would retaliate violently. But there will be some contact from the Resistance Movement when THE EVENT occurs. 🌷

Resistance movements can do these jobs more effectively themselves because they are trained to do so. The vast majority of surface humans who work for the Light are not trained to do some work on that level. They are not trained enough to do something steadily without provocation. πŸ€

Learn more, make your character more reliable, and don’t be easily provoked. For example, if you encounter some negative influence, don’t attack each other and fight with each other. Withdraw yourself from that situation / energy / place. This is the main task. πŸ’–

Secret Space Programme

The Golden Dragon Boat Society is a positive secret society. It has an extremely important impact on the fate of the earth. Because it has created a stream of energy specifically designed to explore space, and this energy is bound to lead the Earth to first contact. πŸ§‘β€πŸ«

In 1510 AD, Leonardo Roridan, the Doge of Venice, founded the organization. Doge Leonardo was the leading figure among the Venetian white nobility. The name of the organization at that time was Causa Nostra (Our Cause), but now it is called the Golden Dragon Boat Club. 🌿

The Golden Dragon Boat originated from an ancient Venetian legend: A long time ago, a huge golden boat carried a governor into the sky. Of course we now know that this story is actually about an ascension mothership using a teleportation beam to bring the Governor to the spacecraft. 🌻

In 1512 AD, the Golden Dragon Boat Club established its headquarters on Murano Island, and successively formed an organizational network covering Italy, Germany, Australia and Switzerland. πŸ€

Saint Germain, Alessandro Caigristo (Italian mystic) and Giacomo Casanova (Italian romantic genius) all worshiped the Golden Dragon Boat Club in Venice. The secret method of the Golden Dragon Boat Club has a great influence on the historical events of the earth, and has inspired many people behind the scenes to develop space programs and fly into the universe. 🐳


Question: Do parallel reality timelines exist?🌿

Cobra: People can enter and experience parallel reality timelines through dreams. πŸ€

Lynn – During a recent visit someone mentioned that certain Hilton hotel rooms have the ability to transport guests to 4th dimensional astral star gatherings. Training is done in 4 dimensions because it is more fluid. Can you explain it? πŸ€”

COBRA – I can’t confirm. Because those trainings are not only conducted in Hilton Hotels, but in many places around the world. This is not limited to certain brands of hotels. 🌻

Lynn – Did they do that, meet in the 4th dimension? 🌸

COBRA – The light forces have technology to help people educate and train in dreams or higher levels. 🍁

Lynn – I was thinking the Cabal would do the same? πŸ™

COBRA – The Cabal uses various veil technologies to suppress and lower the vibrational frequencies of people while they sleep, just as they do when they are awake. πŸ§‘β€πŸ«

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