Guru means Hindu Spiritual Teacher.

Root meaning of “Guru” is to lead from darkness to Light. One who has the ability to awaken one’s true nature. A Guru dispels darkness of ignorance. A Guru inspires others to seek truth within. You are always your own best best teacher/guru, the answers are always inside you. When one finds true Guru, he conquers half the World. Journey with true Guru is incomparable. Teacher/Guru leads you from visible to invisible, material to the divine, temporary to the eternal, discouragement to encouragement. Guru guides us in such a way that we walk our path by ourselves. He never exploits, criticizes and discourages.

However well I know him [Teacher/guru], he cannot be described completely. He cannot be expressed by words. Fortunate are those who have true Guru in their Life.

Much gratitude to all my visible and invisible Teachers who lead me in a wonderful way in this life. Happy Teachers day

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